Monday, January 13, 2014

The promise of constancy

Promises! We make it and we break it. This New Year too began with a lot of hopes and a lot of a promises which are already breaking faster than they were even made. 2013 was a year full of memories. Some of these memories were outrageously fantastic and a few were ridiculously heart breaking. The period beginning with the 2013 New Year celebrations to Alcheringa 2013 is a time that passes swiftly with a new semester to begin with. With the acceptance of the US visa, followed by a crazy 36 hours delayed journey to the States it was exciting all the way. I am glad to have listened to my senior’s advice and finished off my GRE and TOEFL in the summers of 2013 itself. With the US joy ride over and done and a PhD offer in hand I was ready for the pseudo-penultimate semester to begin. I call it pseudo because to my surprise I got through the Heritage Erasmus Mundus Exchange program for Ecole Centrale de Nantes in France. The penultimate semester turned out to be my last semester at IIT Guwahati. After getting the news it was as though I went through those great phases of realization as stated in various scriptures. Firstly, I had to sink in the feeling of being accepted to the program. Secondly it was to calm myself down after being titillated every other second thinking about Europe. I then realized it was my last semester in college and then it was the phase of convincing myself that I wanted to accept it. Phew! What a joy ride it had been! I thought I was all done and then there was the whole duolingo experience of learning French and oh! It is fun to learn a foreign language. The Kolkata French consulate experience was also amazing where being an Erasmus mundus scholar was nothing less than being from MIT. Finally I was set to go back to Pune having consumed half of December in the paper work and formalities to be out of college! On a bittersweet note I landed to Pune only in a few days to realize it was a 9.91 spi this time. Damn! I could never be a perfect 10 in college! Had it in my checklist. Was terribly upset but well it was my all-time highest so that was a consolation. Also, moti always says the best of the things unexpectedly. I was as usual cribbing about my spi and she told me “there is much more to you than being a 10 pointer!” I don’t know if she said it casually or what but there was so much weight in it. I convinced myself of what an ass I am and I got back to normalcy :P I then got to attend the Indo-US conference organized by TCS on ICME thanks to my Purdue Prof. It was a great experience too. New Year’s Eve has been the most special and I don’t think it will ever be this special again. As this year proceeds a lot of relations will fade away and a whole lot more are gonna spring up. Amidst all of these there are a few bonds which I dearly wish, hope and expect are for life and won’t break ever. I wish the promise of constancy remains. With the Schengen visa, an accommodation after a lot of pain and a ticket to France I am all set to experience the European way of life! Before that, a small trip to Kuwait where after 2 long years I will meet dad and bro. A lot of surprises in store for me for sure, hoping for the best. Alvida India, Assalawalekum Kuwait!!

1 comment:

  1. Well written bro..!! Waiting to spend 6 awesome months with u in Europe.. Happy journey to Kuwait..!!
