Friday, August 10, 2012

Dark Nights...Dark Knights

Just like the world is complete when both man and woman exist, although it’s very wrongly the world of men similarly a day is complete only when it has night again wrongly considered to be just day! Nights have always been the silent giver. There is something about the darkness which the light seems to lack. The calmness, the serenity and silence possessed by the night is hardly a part of the day where the humanity purges itself into a quest of infinite tasks. The amount you are with yourself is definitely more in those wee hours of night than those bright hours lost in the aims and challenges foreseen. How is it that we have disregarded these creative hours by simply renaming it as sleep? Why are there some of us who consider waking up to be more important than reaching heights which we possibly never could? Simply thinking of nighttime as a dreamtime can undermine the value which this dark beauty might behold…the key to creativity can only exist when there is a lock to yourself…finding oneself in this absolute silence and darkness is the dawn to a bright time ahead…….!! unveil yourself..use these DARK (K)NIGHTS!

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