Commendable how we soldier on at times without having any
clue as to what next….! The ability to cheat ourselves comes naturally from the
very time we realize we are going to perish sometime or the other. We continue
each day without bringing that thought in our mind that today is possibly my
last day. I wonder what these facts would do to us if we did not possess the
ability to make them transparent. Given this sometimes it is all the way worse
to hide some facts rather than tackle them head on. That’s what’s known as
self-deceit! We all live in self-deceit but the degree to which we utilize this
necessary evil is what decides our general success in any endeavor…My goal for
each day still remains to be true to myself…! Funny how success of my long term
plans depends on this short term goal…
the last statement is profound but somehow it seems to me more and more every year that being true to ourselves is a luxury and not as closely related to achieving of long term goals as is it related to the understanding of your long term goals or the fancier way of saying it, the much hyped and sought after "meaning/purpose of life".. where the harsh bitter truth is there is none and if any one is able to find one its just another rationalization . One can argue that most lives have none and every life can find some blah blah just another less cynical perspective (or yet another rationalization ? ) . So call it "the ability to cheat "or "self -deceit" or just plain n simple "rationalisations" , or simply put people believe in whatever makes them sleep at night, and try to associate their long term goals / purpose of life with whatever passion, or love of theirs is true and real or "worthy" enough to push their transience out of their minds .
Well I believe being true to yourself is more of a necessity than a luxury. It is imperative to at least not cheat yourself because the so called passion can only be fully dominant when one knows what one truly, sincerely and genuinely wants . And yes this might sound redundant but it is not, thanks to self deceit. I agree to the fact that being true to yourself is more closely related to understanding your goals as success is still interdependent on many other factors. Regarding purpose of life- well i guess its your point of view to think about the long term goals as POL but its not necessarily so. And regarding "having a good night sleep" is exactly my point that majority would subscribe to this path but as a future researcher and a member of the science community I would choose otherwise.