Thursday, January 19, 2012

Its all about the attitude....Procrastination...(part#3)

......(continued)...I am sure majority of us have felt this at some point or the other. I should mention it from before that the matter which follows is based on my perspective and can have numerous outlooks but as for me this is my greater truth provisionally lurking with me until I find something better. 

So, what about those people who think they are trying but aren’t going anywhere? Well here I feel that expectation plays a major role in stinting the time we actually give to our aims and ambitions. Imagining success is a good thing but expecting it to turn into reality in a day, month, year or years ultimately retards your speed rather than expedite the process. Patience is really important. While reading these few lines you might feel it to be very theoretical but it definitely has its meaning when you apply it. Endurance in the toughest times is very difficult. Applying these virtues isn’t a cakewalk. You have to be very clear headed about your priorities and it should reflect in you involuntarily. 

Yes! Involuntary is the word. First you have to voluntarily imbibe the act of not giving a damn and sticking to your highest priority come what may. This I believe is the most challenging and life changing experience. You will be mocked, punished, troubled, left alone and hell! It continues. The world just wants you to shake on anyone of them. The majority falters here. The Reason? Well you need to go the previous lines -“clear headed about your priorities”. Procrastination is one of the examples. You need to take a lot of care while taking these first few steps otherwise remorse follows in a natural succession. I have never wanted to repent my decisions but as human as I can be in some cases I had to. It is but obvious isn’t it? There is never an absolute certainty about anything but by being clear headed, definitely increases your chances to a very great extent to accomplish your dreams. So, during that phase of voluntary engagement your will power, determination, self-confidence all will be challenged every moment, you will feel their levels fluctuating all the time. If you are able to make that as a kick for yourself naturally your body and more importantly your mind and consciousness will make it involuntary. That’s when you reach the next phase which I call it as the “exponential rise”…..(to be continued) 

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