Monday, December 26, 2011

Left me with those scars

Be it a story or a song
whenever i hear about love
it reminds me of you
and all the things that you've done

first it brings a smile
and for some second it lasts
making me believe that
my present is my past

then memories are played of the
terrible fate that i meet
burning my heart and finally
stopping it to beat

i just leave you
with this song on my guitar
you JUST left me
you just left me with these scars

i heard it from the others
that you're repeating it with me
i was too blind to see it
it was too hard to believe

i sometimes wonder whether you had a heart at all
how can you just crush me and
turn my heart into a fireball

i just leave you
with this song on my guitar
you JUST left me
you just left me with these scars