Monday, February 25, 2013

From the top of Eiffel Tower

All those moments
That we fought for
We’ll prove they’re worth it,
I couldn’t ask for more…

And all of those hopes
Those candle lights
Will light up our world
Our futures bright…

Let those problems be there
it can’t chain our thoughts
Let them do their best with it
Oh let’s get caught…

Let shout our love from the top of the Eiffel tower
Let the whole world feel the power of love
We’re made for each other and it feels so right
Nothing else matters we’ll continue to fight

Let shout our love from the top of Eiffel tower
Let the whole world feel the power of love
Baby all I ask is for your support
Don’t hesitate here..I ask for nothing more

Oh let get caught, let get caught
Baby lets get caught..lets get caught
Let shout our love from the top of Eiffel tower
Let the whole world feel the power of love

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lucky ambiverts

From the very moment I’d realized I’m an extrovert it became impossible for me to understand the other side of the coin. How could one be an introvert? My callowness made me think. Also being garrulous by nature it seems an impossible feat (even now) to be laconic in my style. Why this urge? You might think. The answer lies in the fact that being an introvert or an extrovert has its innate boons and banes. As an extrovert I truly truly want to explore that energy existing within which keeps an introvert motivated. As for us extroverts we try and seek positivity and optimism externally which seems to be an impossible task in contemporary times! It’s easy for us to be deteriorated if our surroundings are dull or do not share the same vigour as we do. How lucky are the ambiverts! Is success related to this or independent of it? Is happiness and satisfaction in general related to the “vertere” or the turning in or out of you? I personally feel it’s independent but probably the amalgamation of both would be a more stronger and powerful trait. Need to learn to keep my mouth shut at times (several times) have been told this since school days but till date no improvement whatsoever. So is it not in my control? My nature? Do I need to naturally accept it? As a control freak it’s a freaky topic you bet. Hope to improve myself…someday…surely!